My obsession with cushions made me search for more and eventually
I ended up on AliExpress. The cushion I purchased is named Dodo Cat by PNF
Peiyen. Being still new to this site, I didn't imagined what kind of beauty
products I would be seeing and after I received them I realized that is
something fishy. The prices are incredible low; of course I should have known
they weren't exactly the same thing. After a few questions to the real brands I
knew that had similar products (only the name written was different) I was just
as confused as in the beginnings because no one answered me.
On the internet the opinion are multiples, some even say that the
other companies have contracts with the ones that make the original product.
The only thing I could do was just inspect the product myself. The other
company I found that produces this cushion is in fact a collaboration between
Holika Holika and Audrey Jeanne.
After I visited their site I realized why there is a "fake" product;
the original costs 40$. The one I'm going to talk about is the one ordered from
the Chinese site, with 5.18$.
The design of this product is very cute, it's one of the reasons I
ordered it in the first place. It's playful and girly and perfect for a cat
lover. It's made of a good quality plastic and the mirror is large, provides
good visibility. The sponge has a little cat drawn on it which is a plus. The
pad is made of the same material as beauty sponge blenders which I found
interesting because the former cushion I had had a softer pad. You
have to struggle a bit to get product on it and because of the rough margin, it
always gathers a little product there and it is annoying, every time you think
you finished blending you have a surprise line of product on your face.
The thing that surprised me in a good way was the smell. As a
person who doesn't like sweet smells, this cushion's fresh and clean perfume
was definitely an advantage. Also, I forgot to mention that it comes with a refill.
The product tends to be enough. On the face, however, you have to reapply it at
least once a day.
The shade I purchased is 02 and even though I had a little shock
because it is very white when you first apply it, but it rapidly accommodates
with your skin color. The foundation is adequate for dry skin and you can set
it with just a bit of powder.
The portion on the little box's back where the writing is provides
confusing ideas for the use of the product. It seems impossible that a product
can make so many things at once. It is suppose to "natural stimulation,
multiple isolation moisturizing, efficient and lock the water molecules,
frivolous break, fine texture, effectively adjust uneven skin tone,help skin
become smooth and even, make skin moisture shine all day". I'll leave for
you to decide what are the uses for it because I honestly think there are just
a bunch of words used in the cosmetic industry thrown together.
The coverage is okay, it doesn't make your skin glow or anything,
but it is not invisible either. Other than the cute package and the smell, it
doesn't posses other extraordinary traits. I can't say anything about the
original product and I'm not encouraging counterfeit products, but in the
end it depends on every person's choice.
- Very cute package;
- Light and thin formula;
- Smells very good.
- Not adequate if you need
stronger coverage;
- The pad’s margins are